Some of you still are intentionally bumping up your POEMS...
Note: You NEED to wait until everyone has checked out your poetry... There is NO NEED to have 8-plus THANK YOU messages...
Also remeber some members only visit the board a few times per week,
so it may be a delay in many checking out your poems...
Note again: I like the way ladylyric, Monte, Shawnie, PrincessNaahma,
and poets like that who actually wait until atleast 4-5 poets have commented
via their work before posting thy first THANK YOU message...
In all just be patient as I'm starting to sound like a broken record... DO NOT post a THANK YOU message if only one poet has reviewed thy poem...
Still Confused? Hit Up The Staff...
Have a nice day...
Mr. Africa, Inc.
Non-Profit Org for the Literary Arts